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feline-blog Sometimes life brings a word picture that helps us dig deep in an area too weighty for words. I call them Pictures in a Picture and they have a message especially for you.

Jessica, an alumnus of the Women in the Battle Weekend shared her story about one of those moments.

One year ago when I was at the workshop in Dallas, healing truly began for me. I was nudged strongly this morning as I was driving down the road with my 4 beautiful children. We were shocked when we saw a little kitten, about 8 weeks old, get hit by a car.

Immediately I turned around, parked and grabbed a towel from the back seat of my car. The kitten obviously had a broken leg; it was alive and moving trying to limp off the road. I had every intention of rescuing the kitten and was even prepared to pay a vet bill if necessary.

“We saw it had wounds that needed to be tended to ~ all paws were in.”

Unfortunately when it saw me gently approaching it jumped into a sewer drainpipe and hobbled out of reach.

My mind drew so many parallels. How often are we the kitten running away, out of fear and pain, from the very thing that can help us? It took a lot of courage for me to attend the WITB conference because I allowed those wounds to be opened back up so the healing could begin.

Every woman has to muster up the up the courage to heal. Especially when everything inside of us screams to run from the pain. I believe God blesses that type of courage! Please know you have alum in Charlotte, NC praying fervently for ALL of YOU!

So, how are you Feline? Just like the unexpected impact of the car, the wounds of sexual betrayal can hobble you too. You may be in desperate need of care. Will you reach inside for your sake, and muster up the courage to get help?

Even broken bones can be set straight. With the right help and intervention others can tend to your wounds too.

Bravely yours,
Dr. Sheri

With 22 years experience as a marriage and family therapist, Dr. Sheri specializes in individual, couples and family therapy at her private practice. She believes in looking at issues from a psychological, biological and spiritual perspective. She's the author of "Intimate Deception: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Betrayal," founder of the BraveOne Community and the Bravery After Betrayal Retreat... Continue Reading