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Let’s Do This Together

Coach Teri

“I’m a Certified Life and Relationship Coach (CLC, CRC) and a Certified Partner Coach through APSATS. I’ve had the privilege of being a homeschool mom for eight years. Before my own discovery of sexual betrayal, I thought I was going crazy. After a couple years, my husband finally started therapy, found a support group, and started making important changes. But I felt so unseen. I read books and reached out to my church but my heart still hurt. Then I found a great betrayal trauma support group. My path to recovery was so much easier once I found others to walk with. For this reason, I’m passionate about walking with women on their journey towards healing and now facilitate a women’s betrayal trauma support group in my area.”

Need one-on-one help and don’t know where to turn?

Maybe you reached out and got advice that wasn’t helpful.

You’re not alone.

That’s why the BraveOne Community is now offering private coaching with your B1C Coach. Coach Teri is a certified APSATS coach who’s been where you are. Take the next step in your healing journey and invest in you. You’re worth it!

“Working with a B1C coach has helped me so much. I feel stronger, my mind is clearer, and I feel more confident. I still have a long way to go, but now I have someone who gets me.”